
2 min readApr 9, 2021

Whatever fucking retard did the user testing on VS IntelliSense and still let that shit ship should be put against the wall. We often have variables named the same as classes, like…

MSKnobGobler msKnobGobbler = new();

… because, you know, THAT’S THE FUCKING RECOMMENDATION. So when we start typing ‘m’, ‘s’, … and IntelliSense is trying to determine whether we mean the class or the variable, what clues could it possibly work off? I don’t know; how about the same fucking one we and the compiler do when distinguishing the two: capita-fucking-lisation. If I go to the effort of holding down the fucking Shift key — something, mind you, I barely even bother doing when talking to people I like — don’t fucking autocomplete ‘M’, ‘S’, ‘Tab’ with “msKnobGlobler”.

Equally bad is when you have some variable (let’s say “eventName”), start typing it, it appears as the first suggestion, hit Tab, and just before it autocompletes it switches to the second suggestion replaced by “Event”. Now when I Ctrl + Space, “eventName” isn’t even the second suggestion anymore — it’ll now be half-way down the list.

Here’s the thing: touch typists don’t think through every character they type. For us, typing is all muscle memory. Words have a sense of feeling and flow to them. If I’m thinking of the word “event”, it’s literally slower for me to type “e”, “v”, “e”, and stop than it is to type the whole word. This is because typing the individual letters requires me to think where on the keyboard they are, whereas typing the whole word is a single fluid motion. As such, it’s utterly fucking moronic for your laggy UI to switch suggestions after we’ve started typing if we haven’t deviated from the spelling of the suggestion. You’d understand this if any of you imbeciles actually knew how to type.

