Unordered scopes is just MS being lazyThere’s no reason that you shouldn’t be able to do…Apr 24, 2021Apr 24, 2021
Nullable Reference Types are worse than uselessUnless you’re living under a rock, you’ll be aware that most language designers (Microsoft’s included) regret the existence of null. You…Apr 22, 2021Apr 22, 2021
SemaphoreSlimOkay, I’m calling out a specific implemenation here, but this is an issue I have with counting semaphores as a whole. They’re probably…Apr 9, 2021Apr 9, 2021
IntelliSenseWhatever fucking retard did the user testing on VS IntelliSense and still let that shit ship should be put against the wall. We often have…Apr 9, 2021Apr 9, 2021
Nominal creation is just bastard serialisationWe’ve all seen it. That guy who creates objects like…Apr 1, 2021Apr 1, 2021
Parameter NamesDear Microsoft, I’m sick of writing nameof(…) every second fucking parameter in validations. Can you fix this shit already?Mar 27, 2021Mar 27, 2021
CollectionsIEnumerable<T> is a sexy little beast and we use it all over the place. For the retards amongst you, it’s a collection of sorts, but not…Mar 27, 2021Mar 27, 2021
Asynchronous InterfacesMicrosoft really fucked the dog on this one. Say you have some class…Mar 27, 2021Mar 27, 2021